Nordic Direct Finance Ltd. is a European-based Financial Services consultancy offering a wide array of services primarily in the banking and microfinance sector. Since its inception in 2005 NDF has been helping MFIs in Africa, Asia and Europe, strengthen their businesses and expand their reach to ensure that those at the bottom of the economic pyramid have a chance to integrate into the world’s financial markets. Access to financial services lets millions of people turn their dreams into realities. Instead of just dreaming of sending a kid to school, opening a small business or replacing kerosene for solar power, NDF and its MFI partners send kids to school, open businesses and get solar power. MFIs turn dreams into realities and NDF makes sure it all goes smoothly.
Whether your MFB wants to start implementing loans to a new target group or you want to expand the services you offer you need to know what the obstacles are and how to plan strategically for these expansions.
Raising capital is an eternal concern for all of us. The small farmer needs capital in order to grow more crops or buy another cow and the MFI needs more capital in order to help the farmer. achieve those goals.
How we get energy and how we use it is rapidly changing. Modern innovations both grid and off-grid solutions are an opportunity for those currently without access to energy sources, to formalized systems.
MFIs have a wide variety of specialized systems available to them. NDF can help determine which software, core banking systems, applications, etc. are appropriate to help your MFI reach your short and long-term goals.
NDF professionals have been working in the microfinance sector for 20 years. They know what makes a strong and effective MFB. Through cooperation with NDF your company can grow and expand.
NDF has experience building these services from the ground up. Dealing with various regulatory and market criteria can be overwhelming. NDF has the know-how to build out these services and guide MFI’s through this often complex process.